LTM was hot on Saturday. Not a huge crowd with the heat and Red Bud coming up, but great racing as always. PBP racers Chuck Nice and Carter Gordon came away with wins.
Sunday's weather was much better. Hare scramble is the toughest sport to photograph in my opinion. The kids early in the morning is very difficult. Low light in the woods with fast moving bikes. I did my best, but not a whole lot of keepers early in the day. The 50's and 65 Beginners had a great course laid out for them.
Big bikes and quads got interesting. LTM decided to lay out an enduro cross log jump. Bikes were about 50/50 on taking it instead of the go around. Quads begged off except for a handful. The approaches were not "quad friendly". I give LTM props for doing this and providing an alternative line for those not experienced or daring enough to try it. The exit jump into the corner wasn't the best positioning though. If they'll find a little better area to place it and provide an alternate route I say go for it. And keep it in the grass track area for quick access by medics if needed (though we hope not!) Racers seemed to enjoy the challenge.
A quick check on lap times found Casey Noblitt running 13 minute laps until the bike blew. Tough luck Casey. You were looking awesome out there. Lee Lankutis was running consistent 10-11 minute laps. FLYING!!
PBP sends out a big "Get well soon" to our Hare racers. At the moment we have 3 on the injured list. And to MX'er Dillon Hall also. Heal fast guys and gal. We miss you on the track!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hangtime 4th Weekend
Hangtime has changed the schedule for this weekend. Only GP on Sunday. I will be there! Had hoped to do more MX this year at Hangtime and will work on rearranging my schedule to get back there. Looks like I may try and do a D&D race instead. It's tough to change things after my schedule has been set. If the good folks at Read's will allow me I definitely will be back more next season.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Magazine Covers
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday at PBP
Dreaded Monday. Actually this one isn't too bad since I had the weekend off. Normally I'm exhausted and sorting pictures about now. Instead I am working on new stuff this week.
Another batch of trader cards should be arriving from the print lab in a few days. I do apologize for the delay on these. The lab and I are still working out some color issues before I make them available to everyone. Giving my customers the best quality is always top priority. For the truck/buggy racers we're also working on Hero Cards. Basically a larger version of traders used as autograph cards by race drivers for those not familiar with hero cards.
More new stuff is also in the works, but I'll keep it under my hat for now. Have a product you'd like to see us offer? Please let me know and I'll work on it.
What's next? Hare scramble at LTM this Sunday. I might come over Sat. for mx. We'll have to wait and see.
Another batch of trader cards should be arriving from the print lab in a few days. I do apologize for the delay on these. The lab and I are still working out some color issues before I make them available to everyone. Giving my customers the best quality is always top priority. For the truck/buggy racers we're also working on Hero Cards. Basically a larger version of traders used as autograph cards by race drivers for those not familiar with hero cards.
More new stuff is also in the works, but I'll keep it under my hat for now. Have a product you'd like to see us offer? Please let me know and I'll work on it.
What's next? Hare scramble at LTM this Sunday. I might come over Sat. for mx. We'll have to wait and see.
Friday, June 19, 2009
We live and learn
In a recent blog entry I said I did some prints with an Epson inkjet printer. That has changed. Luckily only a hand full of those prints have been sold over the years. One order done recently has been reprint by my lab and I will replace that customers prints as soon as I talk with them about the issue.
Epson inkjet prints are touted by Epson to last 100 years. I found out that it really isn't the case. I had a few of these prints in a portfolio in the car to show as proofs of large posters. They were only traveling with me for a couple weeks when I noticed the picture had completely worn away in a couple areas.
These prints were not handled roughly by any means. They were not even subjected to the dust and weather at races since they stayed in my vehicle most all that time. My dye-sub and lab printed samples that I have out during races have been completely covered in dust, rained on, banged around, subjected to cold, hot and humid conditions and handled by countless customers for at least a year. In contrast those prints show very little wear and even the scratches are minimal.
Now, maybe if that Epson inkjet print had been put under glass immediately and handle properly it might have been ok. But this is the real world. Few of us take exceptional care with our pictures. They're hung near fireplaces, in sunny areas, and generally not handled with the utmost care. My large posters do have to be replaced since they got rained on over the weekend. (water got between the plexiglas and print)
So the next time you're at a race or your kids ball games and the local photog. is selling on the spot prints with inkjet printers keep this in mind: Mine were printed on Epson premium professional papers with Epson inks in my office. I can only imagine how long one will last when printed in hot, humid, and dusty conditions. There are spray fixatives out there that some use, but doing that in the dust too! Not me. I've learned my lesson. That Epson printer is now used for proofs only. No customer will receive an inkjet print from PBP. Stop by at a race and I'll be happy to show you the prints. You be the judge.
Epson inkjet prints are touted by Epson to last 100 years. I found out that it really isn't the case. I had a few of these prints in a portfolio in the car to show as proofs of large posters. They were only traveling with me for a couple weeks when I noticed the picture had completely worn away in a couple areas.
These prints were not handled roughly by any means. They were not even subjected to the dust and weather at races since they stayed in my vehicle most all that time. My dye-sub and lab printed samples that I have out during races have been completely covered in dust, rained on, banged around, subjected to cold, hot and humid conditions and handled by countless customers for at least a year. In contrast those prints show very little wear and even the scratches are minimal.
Now, maybe if that Epson inkjet print had been put under glass immediately and handle properly it might have been ok. But this is the real world. Few of us take exceptional care with our pictures. They're hung near fireplaces, in sunny areas, and generally not handled with the utmost care. My large posters do have to be replaced since they got rained on over the weekend. (water got between the plexiglas and print)
So the next time you're at a race or your kids ball games and the local photog. is selling on the spot prints with inkjet printers keep this in mind: Mine were printed on Epson premium professional papers with Epson inks in my office. I can only imagine how long one will last when printed in hot, humid, and dusty conditions. There are spray fixatives out there that some use, but doing that in the dust too! Not me. I've learned my lesson. That Epson printer is now used for proofs only. No customer will receive an inkjet print from PBP. Stop by at a race and I'll be happy to show you the prints. You be the judge.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Good friends, old bikes, and excellent racing.....
that's what I call a great weekend. Lincoln Trail is still the best place to be for AHRMA Vintage racing. Some things never change. Although I don't recall seeing Lincoln around, I did catch Jean Ramsey back in the tractor.
Saturday was Post Vintage on the modern track with a few changes. Older bikes don't care for triples and whoops so those sections were rerouted a little.
Rufas "outa gas" Gage
Lynn Williams racing through the rain
the look in Tom Bellamy's eyes behind him. The chase was on!
Larry Perkins with Mark Eichhorn close behind
Jared Scott
I hope I've got all the names correct. Please put me in check if I made a mistake. I only have the pleasure of capturing AHRMA once or twice a year. Names and bikes just don't go together for me very quickly. Please consider coming back to LTM and race along with the modern bikes again. Those kids and adults talked about vintage bikes and racers for weeks after last year's race. A new generation of potential vintage racers is out there. They just need to be more exposed to it.

Bob Speiss stylin'
Sunday brought Vintage races on the grass track. My personal favorite. Real natural terrain racing. If anyone thinks old bikes are slow they need to attend a Vintage race. These guys and ladies will prove you wrong. They just don't stop as quickly!
Sunday brought Vintage races on the grass track. My personal favorite. Real natural terrain racing. If anyone thinks old bikes are slow they need to attend a Vintage race. These guys and ladies will prove you wrong. They just don't stop as quickly!
If only he could have seen.......

I hope I've got all the names correct. Please put me in check if I made a mistake. I only have the pleasure of capturing AHRMA once or twice a year. Names and bikes just don't go together for me very quickly. Please consider coming back to LTM and race along with the modern bikes again. Those kids and adults talked about vintage bikes and racers for weeks after last year's race. A new generation of potential vintage racers is out there. They just need to be more exposed to it.
It was certainly an eventful weekend. Thank you to all my good friends for your support. It's nice to know some folks have your back.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Quick update
The last couple of weeks have been very busy and eventful. AHRMA at Lincoln Trail was wonderful as usual. Good friends and old bikes. Who could ask for more? Congrats to all who made it out of Regional at Walnut also. I'll be checking on those results as soon as they are online.
Look for more blog posts this week if time allows. It's a bit crazy back here, but I will try to update everyone on what's been happening. Orders are going out in about 4 days right now. I do apologize for the delay.
Look for more blog posts this week if time allows. It's a bit crazy back here, but I will try to update everyone on what's been happening. Orders are going out in about 4 days right now. I do apologize for the delay.
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's been awhile since I got to shoot the Indiana Vintage Off-Road Enthusiasts. I've missed you guys! Numbers are down, but excitement is still high with these fellas. They've switched up a little and mixing in some GP's with the motocross. This was more like a split of mx and hare with all the mx track and lots of woods too.

More GP images are on the web site. I do need to give a huge Thank You to Mark Lauderback for having mercy on this gal. Mark gave me a ride many times throughout the GP races otherwise I don't think I could have made it. Thanks again Mark! Note to self: get a trailer for the Eton.
Congratulations to Steve Macy for winning the drawing for a free 8x10. I'm really glad to see the kids involved in vintage racing.

More GP images are on the web site. I do need to give a huge Thank You to Mark Lauderback for having mercy on this gal. Mark gave me a ride many times throughout the GP races otherwise I don't think I could have made it. Thanks again Mark! Note to self: get a trailer for the Eton.
Hangtime.....they call it that for a reason
Venturing into northern Indiana for the first time was a treat. Hangtime is a sweet track and easy to get to. Things got a little dusty on Saturday night, but that's racing. I hung in as long as I could before darkness shut me down. (not to mention I was exhausted after 12 hours on the track!) Sunday was excellent weather even if we were watching the sky's. Thought for little while we might get wet, but mother nature was kind this race day.

Pucker up for some fender kissin'

Sweet Corners

More "Hangtime"
Can't wait to head back there in July!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Who is PBP?
Since I met many of you at Backwoods for the first time I thought I'd post a little about me and what I do.
PBP is pretty much a one woman operation. Occasionally one of my daughters tags along to help, but not often. Due to that I am not able to show and sell on site at this time. It is something I have considered and may do in the future. Off road racing is my primary area although some portrait work gets done now and then. I do have a "day job" part of the year. Job title is cashier/bookkeeper for an elementary school cafeteria. Yep, I'm the lunch lady without the hair net. You really don't want me to cook for your kids!
I started out in the business doing quad hare scrambles. Thanks to Jean Ramsey for getting me on the MX track and now you can't get me off! My goal has always been to bring you quality photography at the best price. Some may think my prices are high, but considering the time and cost involved believe me they are not. That camera and lens I'm carrying costs about the same as your 125 or 250 bike. If I'm lucky the body will last me 3 years. There are 2 more camera bodies and an assortment of lenses in my gear bag in case of equipment failure. After the equipment travel is probably my largest expense. I drove over 10,000 miles last year getting to races.
Back here in the office there are 2 computers to handle processing images and the normal bookwork associated with any business. Prints up to 8x10 are done in house on a Kodak dye sub printer. This is the same printer used in the Kodak kiosks at CVS or Walmart. An Epson 1800 handles 11 x 14 prints. Posters, magnets, banners, wall clings, etc. are done by the best quality labs I can find.
All race pictures are available online normally within 2 or 3 days after a race. They will remain up for 60 days and then archived. If you need something put back online just ask. Around mid Oct. the entire years' pictures are put back up until the end of the year for Christmas shopping.
Ordering online may not be your thing. No problem here. You can place your order online and pay by check or make note of the race date and image number under the picture then call with your order. 765-436-7949 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time or email me with name, phone number, and I'll call you.
I offer a wide range of print sizes, wall and trailer clings, posters, and banners. If you want something not shown on the web site just ask. Photos can be put on just about anything now days. If I can't do it cost effectively I'll find you a place that can. New products and posters are always in the works. Satisfaction is always guaranteed. If you don't like your prints/product for any reason just send them back. I will refund the full purchase price AND shipping! Sorry, no refunds on digital images for obvious reasons.
New sponsorships are on hold at the moment. Last year's high fuel prices and the economy in general have got me cutting costs as much as possible. Hopefully things will turn around soon. Check back later in the season.
Long winded post, but I think I've covered about everything. Want to know more? Ask here or get in touch with me via phone or email. Comments in the blog are only monitored to keep out any posts that may be offensive. Keep it clean and relevant and I will put it through.
One more note: All photographs are copyright protected. I would never think of stealing your bike; please don't steal my pictures.
See you track side or trail side!
PBP is pretty much a one woman operation. Occasionally one of my daughters tags along to help, but not often. Due to that I am not able to show and sell on site at this time. It is something I have considered and may do in the future. Off road racing is my primary area although some portrait work gets done now and then. I do have a "day job" part of the year. Job title is cashier/bookkeeper for an elementary school cafeteria. Yep, I'm the lunch lady without the hair net. You really don't want me to cook for your kids!
I started out in the business doing quad hare scrambles. Thanks to Jean Ramsey for getting me on the MX track and now you can't get me off! My goal has always been to bring you quality photography at the best price. Some may think my prices are high, but considering the time and cost involved believe me they are not. That camera and lens I'm carrying costs about the same as your 125 or 250 bike. If I'm lucky the body will last me 3 years. There are 2 more camera bodies and an assortment of lenses in my gear bag in case of equipment failure. After the equipment travel is probably my largest expense. I drove over 10,000 miles last year getting to races.
Back here in the office there are 2 computers to handle processing images and the normal bookwork associated with any business. Prints up to 8x10 are done in house on a Kodak dye sub printer. This is the same printer used in the Kodak kiosks at CVS or Walmart. An Epson 1800 handles 11 x 14 prints. Posters, magnets, banners, wall clings, etc. are done by the best quality labs I can find.
All race pictures are available online normally within 2 or 3 days after a race. They will remain up for 60 days and then archived. If you need something put back online just ask. Around mid Oct. the entire years' pictures are put back up until the end of the year for Christmas shopping.
Ordering online may not be your thing. No problem here. You can place your order online and pay by check or make note of the race date and image number under the picture then call with your order. 765-436-7949 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time or email me with name, phone number, and I'll call you.
I offer a wide range of print sizes, wall and trailer clings, posters, and banners. If you want something not shown on the web site just ask. Photos can be put on just about anything now days. If I can't do it cost effectively I'll find you a place that can. New products and posters are always in the works. Satisfaction is always guaranteed. If you don't like your prints/product for any reason just send them back. I will refund the full purchase price AND shipping! Sorry, no refunds on digital images for obvious reasons.
New sponsorships are on hold at the moment. Last year's high fuel prices and the economy in general have got me cutting costs as much as possible. Hopefully things will turn around soon. Check back later in the season.
Long winded post, but I think I've covered about everything. Want to know more? Ask here or get in touch with me via phone or email. Comments in the blog are only monitored to keep out any posts that may be offensive. Keep it clean and relevant and I will put it through.
One more note: All photographs are copyright protected. I would never think of stealing your bike; please don't steal my pictures.
See you track side or trail side!
Big thanks to Scot and Kara for a great day of racing at Backwoods. It's always fun to come down south and meet some new racers. I think the 50's put on the best show of the day. Austin Brune had some tough luck with a broken chain, but thanks to the Darr family he was back up and running in no time. Backwoods is probably the best track around for beginning riders. I don't know of any other track where the little 50's run the whole track. Great experience for the little guys/gals.
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