Roy Rissler going above and beyond as usual fixing Shane Cornwell's quad. Nothing like having your sponsor around to do repairs at the race.

TJ parks it on "freestyle" hill to get the best view of the start.

Aaron Miller back home from Alabama! We miss you!

A PBP favorite: David Howard caught my eye a long time ago then kind of faded. He's really stepped up his game this year and it shows. Keep it coming.

Hare racer Derek Toberman hit the grass track and was flying until.........crack! As in the case. Ouch. No prob., repaired and back at it again on Sunday.

Donnie Ockerman and Kevin Shull battled both motos.

Carter Gordon going for the Grand Slam: 1st in 65 Jr., 85 Sr., and Mini 1. With the track championship sewn up he's concentrating on the 85's from here on. Had to get lots of Team Green shots while I could. Will he stay with Susuki or change brands again? It's Carter; who knows.

LTM grass track is famous for slick starts. This race was pretty decent with TJ disking it up a little and taking it easy on the water, but still made for a little excitement.
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