PBP traveled to Trojan Raceway this past weekend for Round 2 of the Indiana State Race Series. What a great track and facilities! Check out spectator hill; bleacher seating and lots of room for lawn chairs. You can view pretty much the entire track from there.

Trojan is a great mix of sand/soil that allows for excellent ruts and breaking bumps. But not too tough for the beginning racers.

Starts were clean for all the first motos that I caught on Sunday. No big crashes thankfully!

Nice air! Battled the sun and backgrounds getting good air shots. Will have to work on that next time.

Quads, quads, everywhere! Many of my last races have seen a huge drop in quad turnout. Not so at Trojan. Especially the mini quad kids. Lots of great talent in there that I will surely be watching in the future.

I did manage to get some decent air shots. Like I said, the sun wasn't in my favor to shoot these from the other side. This angle got the trees in the background and the rider would just blend in too much.

Corners are always my favorites. Air is cool and fun, but races are won or lost in the corners. Watch your form because you can bet I am!

A good showing in the 65's, 85's and mini classes. This is where potential stars first show up. Keep an eye on these kids. You never know how far they will take it.

At every race there is usually one or two riders who just stand out to me through the lens. Dakota Robins was one of those this time. He was a joy to shoot and I hope that I was able to show his skills in pictures. Perfect form, consistent, and fast. Not to mention a really nice kid. Dakota came up after the races to thank me for coming out and taking pictures of them. My pleasure!

The hat is off to Reads for a perfect track and program. They keep things moving along with very little down time. I was amazed that they got through 20 races as quickly as they did. Check out the
Reads tracks; you won't be disappointed!
PBP will be at Hangtime on Sept. 19/20 for MX and GP races. That is another great Reads track. If you like air that is
the track to hit! Wanna bet Kopsho will be doing some more kisses for me?
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