Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who's looking at you?

Spent a little time recently checking on my web site stats. Google Analytics is a really cool tool to find out who is visiting your web site and what pages they check out. Sometimes it's rather surprising. Here is a small rundown of PBP viewers:

Top Countries:
1. US
2. Bahrain
3. Canada
4. Kuwait
5. Brazil

Big shout out to the guys/gals overseas! Hi Jamie and Drew! If James Probst is looking please drop me a line if you can. I'd love to hear from you. We miss you all and hope you're back home soon.

Top States:
1. Illinois
2. Indiana
3. Ohio
4. New York
5. Michigan

New York is a surprise, but quite a few hits from there. California is also in the top 10.

Top Cities:
1. Terre Haute
2. Chicago
3. Gilliespie
4. Indianapolis
5. New York

New York? Who'd a thunk it? This one varies depending on if school is in session or not. During the school year Evansville and Bloomington move up the list quite a bit.

I will be kind and not point out who the most looked at picture is of at the moment. hint......he's a quad A mx racer. Running a very close second is an AHRMA post vintage shot. I have a feeling this will change once the last hare scramble pictures have been up for awhile. Everyone loves a good crash shot. (note: if a rider is seriously injured I will not put up those shots unless they ok it first)

Another note I should add here. If you do not want pictures of yourself or your child on the internet I completely understand. Just let me know the riders number, mx/hare/MAORA, and a description of the bike/vehicle/quad so I can pick those out. I don't usually do a lot of pit shots and candids, but just say so if you'd rather those not be on line.

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